Noodles and I went to Disneyland today!
We saw Mickey!
I got to shake his hand!
Noodles got stuck inside a toy box much like Buzz Lightyear was incarcerated in his own toy box in Toy Story 2 by a fresh out of the box Buzz who was unaware of reality. She found her way out of the box, and made it onto the Heimlich ride in A Bugs Land.
I rode it too. The ride was actually pretty fun. It was very slow moving, but the various comments from Heimlich (although the voice was different from the movie) were funny and kept the slow ride interesting. It was a great experience, and if you have kids, they would love it.
Although we didn't take any pictures of them, we were impressed by the amount of fruit trees located throughout A Bugs Land. We saw Peach Trees, Plum Trees, Fig, Lime, Apple, Pomegranate, Persimmon, Walnut and Cherry trees. I'm sure there were more, but we had moved on to one of our favorite fruits in various forms:
Bye from Disneyland!